Project 4: Genre Remediation

     The final project of my Introduction to Academic Writing course is genre remediation, which means remixing a previous assignment into a new genre. Genre in layman's terms is merely a descriptive word that dictates the category of a film, book, or song. Before diving into my project, however, a more scholarly definition needs to be given. Kerry Dirk defines genre as "tools to help people get things done" (Navigating Genres, pg 252). By this definition, genre gives the writer a response based on precedent to respond to a rhetorical situation.

    The fun thing about genres is that there's a myriad of choices you can make in one that you can't in another. For example, it would be improper to include a meme on an academic essay. On a blog post, however?

    BOOM. Meme.

    This is an example of the constraints being different— essays require a formal tone, versus the causualness of a blog post. I point out a difference such as this because I will be converting my personal literacy narrative into a series of blog posts.
